Jade loves her makeup and basically eats makeup as the makeup and face cream grift continues on Tick Tock

      Ali Muhammad

   There are two major grifts in the world of Tik Yok and increasingly along with the ads these two grifts are getting very annoying. When are the grifts are muscle steroid Jack men promoting some powder that they claim will exponentially increase your muscle mass and strength which is bullshit, horseshit, dog shit, all mixed into one the grfiting is increasing and ever expanding on Tik Yok as all these muscle heads do these Yik Tok videos that increasingly we are forced to watch even as we scroll our favorite subscriber and their personal page that they are throwing ads which is annoying trend on Tik Tok. The transition of popular primarily Asian in South Korean Tit Tokers who would dance and sing are lip synch into becoming these face cream makeup promoters many have transitioned into this bullshit including the great and beautiful Jade who used to just do dance videos. Increasingly though Jade is become a Korean K pop dance whore for the money doing more more makeup promotion and showing all sorts of cum like cream on her face

         Jade is putting so much fucking makeup on her lips and mouth she quite literally is eating it and she doesn't care about the criticism that she has been receiving from her long devoted fans who just want to see her and look good and not just shove corporate cream and Cake her fucking face with makeup. Jade's disturbing transition is just one example of the increasing commercialization on Tick Tock and in particular makeup and feminine products including face cream that they put on their face thinking that's going to save them days and years and protect their fucking skin. The scam and snake oil of these two types of social media promotion whether it be an Instagram or Tik Tok is utterly reprehensible and disgusting and is utterly ruining the experience one can find in search of entertainment. Tick Tock was supposed to be a place away from the commercialization of television but is increasingly become more and more commercialized with all these cheap smart watches and ugly hoodies being promoted left and right in sale and thrown in your feed. Jade needs to get off this greedy grift that shes desperate more money and doing all these videos and actually damaging her skin with all this fucking makeup. This  needs to come to an end is someone needs to smack some powder and sense into her head.

Psychopath Troll and dumb Green Beret Chronicles says the US military can't handle the Mexican drug cartel

      Woody Underwood

      The number of prognostics for the upcoming Mexican and American Drug War are all over on YouTube with most saying rightfully that the American Military will wipe out these nefarious and sinister Mexican drug cartels. However, some trolls are claiming that the cartels will give the Americans a hard time and some green beret jackass who goes under the YouTube channel Green Beret Chronicles keeps named Jay Dorleaus trolling line and spreading misinformation on how powerful the Mexican drug cartels are.

This little troll likely is a drug addicting rooting for the Mexican drug cartel in Green Beret Chronicles continues to troll and do all these thumbnails and videos where he predicts the United States military is walking into a trap and will be annihilated by the various Mexican drug cartels that have essentially the backing of this corrupt and sick Mexican drug Mexican government.

      Green Beret Chronicles is a former member of the military one would think this jackass knows the strength of it yet he's looking for clicks and attention with a small and insignificant military YouTube channel. This silly jackass does all these American Military is going to get owned by the Mexican drug cartel videos and this man provides no evidence ignoring the power and might  how much technology and intelligence United States has in fighting small insignificant domestic international domestic terrorist groups which the Mexican drug cartel has just been labeled. I don't know what drugs this guy is getting from Mexico, but Green Beret Chronicles and his trolling and stupid videos one can conclude that this man is clearly on meth or crack when he does a video. Green Beret needs to stop this weird Mexican drug cartel and join one of Khalifa Haftar's seven nation mercenary army in Libya or whatever. 

     Green Beret Chronicles thinks because the Mexican drug cartel gives Mexico's weak police force and non-existent military hard time that somehow this will translate with the United States presses hard into Northern Mexico, and Baja California. Green Berry Chronicles continues to host and debate with other military YouTube channels and expert giving his prognosis of the difficulties the United States is going to have with essentially drug addicted and Cocaine ( And (coke a cola)  addicted members of the Mexican

drug cartel. The stupidity and arrogance of this black green beret is always on display with every video that Jay Dorkelos does and again this man is either on crack himself or full of wishful thinking in his aid and desire to see the Mexican drug cartels prevail and continue the terrorism that the Mexican drug cartels have been conducting unchallenged until now. Whether this YouTube has Green Beret Chronicles is an actual member of the current Mexican drug cartel remains to be seen

Dumbass Volodymyr Zelenskyy humiliated by Donald Trump and JD Vance Falls to run for president in 2028

Denny Watson

     Ukrainian weird piano dick playing Zelenskyy was a favorite of the far left the globalists and the Democrat Party Volodymyr Zelenskyy is having a hard time now because the money well has dried up is Donald Trump has been elected and the questioning of the continued wasteful spending for this stupid war in Ukraine has been put forward and is coming to an end.  Volodymyr Zelenskyy  got snappy with JD Vance and Donald Trump showing total disrespect and arrogance is one would expect a individual from the acting industry and the global money grifts that was this war in Ukraine. Donald Trump kicked this little piece of shit out of the White House after an episode he came into the White House dressed like a bum like he's going to hip hop concert instead of the political leadership that he is supposed to represent.

   Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a disgrace and without UDSAID and global corrupt money and fucking Joe Biden this war would have been over within a month. Mr Zelenskyy is so mad and he was prepared for a fight wanting to have snuck in a Dillinger and do a John Wilkes Booth, but thankfully Secret Service was there and made Zelenskyy twice about it. 

      This failed actor in Ukraine somehow was propped up to be a leader probably because he was a stringent supporter of LGTQI  weird rights and the amount of money that has been stolen from this country to go into a war that should not be occurring cannot be understated Joe Biden is a criminal and he should have been arrested for this war and hopefully his arrest is still coming so  Volodymyr Zelenskyy can expect no more respect and no more money and this little fucker needs to get back to Ukraine and make peace with his neighbors and accept the loss of territorial Mr Zelenskyy is so man and he is the perfect Democrat Party Time politician look for a concentrate effort by the Democratic party to once again have another nonsense and to be able to run in America's elections by 2028.  Volodymyr Zelenskyy may become an American and a Democrat running against Donald Trump is the Democrats in this country are committed to global leadership and this little fuck is someone that they respect and admire.


Many of these Democrats including failed former Illinois jackass congressman Adam Zinger would likely go down as Zelenskyy's little penis and look for a secret alliance to bring mistress Zielinsky to be a major political force if not for the US Presidency, but perhaps for a senate and a congressional seat. Zelenskyy is a fool who has fooled this country enough in he was stupid he didn't come this country and sit with real strong American leadership that doesn't want to waste money on stupid projects and to bait the Russian bear. This war is over and Mr Zelenskyy needs to quit grifting and realize the Democrats are not empowered to give him free shit anymore and this scam of this country is kaput let him go to fucking Great Britain or Germany and get funding to continue the unwinnable fight against the Russian bear

Maori Christians confront LGBTQ word March in New Zealand

 Arthur " King" Eaton

    The Maori tribe is a group of indigenous people who don't play around with the Western woke value system that is a corrupt and sick mental aspect of today's world. With this in mind a LGBTQ RIP  rally was organized in a Christian Maori neighborhood off the cost of a New Zealand City or something a group of young Maori Christians as they were described did the incredible war chant as they interrupted the LGBTQ weird parade and did their customary and worldwide known Maori death dance. This death dance is very similar to what Leticia and Monique do as our favorite Backpage escorts which is calling on their opponents to die and the Maouri were wishing very ill well on this rainbow Mafia global system that is

committed to spreading vile and despicable forms of sexuality in particular to the young people of the world. This incredible Maori death stomp was amazing to see because it shows that indigenous people are not in line with the craze values of the rainbow LGBT Mafia. 

     Whatever, crapola that the libtards and the internationalists wish to install on all people's minds regardless of who they are. If you are not in line with Wokism the woke will harass and try to recruit and this is obviously something the Maori New Zealand indigenous group realize and thus these young men who have converted into Christianity decided to take a stand against this Global woke pansexualism

extremism that we see of what these LGBT sickness and disease has become. The Maori absolutely made many members of this LGB rally parade members pee in their fucking pants and the amount of fear and secure that the Maori's with their tongue waving death defying dance created was utterly amazing we are very highly supportive in the Maoris whenever they see one of these globalist homosexual parades in their area we strongly support them in it encourage them to do the death dance

Nick Johnson puts out boring video talking to an old Alaskan Indian instead of interesting bartender

  Casey Kelso

    Nick  Johnson is a vlogger who gets to channel throughout  and travel throughout the country and Records his thoughts and deeds and he does this with a little AI cartoon named Mappy who often is a gun happy and happy triggered little monster. Mr Johnson has been visiting Alaska for the past several weeks informing his audience of the regression of this icebox State that very

few people actually go. Nick Johnson's latest video concerning the dwindling number of Alaskan natives and their precarious
situation in their own homeland on paper sounds like this would have been a great hit video. However, Nick Johnson wasted so much money talking to this old and demented Indian in both the beginning and the ending of this video was perhaps his

most disappointing work to date. This video could have been so much better as Nick Johnson did his usual walking to dive bar and found one of the coolest bartenders with a raspy stereotypical North Wood's voice. 

       One would think that Mr Johnson a light bulb would have gone in his brain and Nick Johnson would have bothered and talked to this guy much more whether it be about the whiskey industry or the surrounding areas of Alaska. Unfortunately,  his conversation with this bartender was brief and was typical of this failed video when Nick Johnson went to the sleepy and remotes primarily native villages and primarily spoke with one snaggletooth individual who made no sense and was boring as fuck bored the Yetis and Bigfoots that might have been observing.  we love Nick Johnson and when

Mappy goes hunting and shoots his gun and Nick ducks and all that shit, but Mr Johnson has to be more selective of who he chooses to interview and spend time  with for his videos and hearing some 90 year old Joe-Biden demented Alaskan native just ramble on whose brain is clearly scrambled eggs just does not make for an entertaining view.

       Nick Johnson has to do better as Joey Swoll would say and this video was really disappointing and could have been done a lot better with Mr Johnson focusing on the poverty of these Alaskan natives who essentially live in worthless far away areas very insignificant along the world stage. The thought an idea of selling purchasing

Greenland that the Trump Administration talks makes no sense because very few people will want to live it like this and we've already had our own Greenland in Alaska. This state has always had trouble bringing in migration from other parts of the United

States in the world. Nick Johnson will soon leave Alaska and likely never return as he said that the state is depressing and there really is nothing to see except masses of impressive looking Wilderness that can be found in other parts of the world as well in Canada

Slutty, skanky, possibly post op Yemada drinks and fats her ass out to her content wants a diaper and a enema

      Neil Knight

      Tick Tock Asian Star Yemada loves to drink she loves to drink as much as she can until she starts farting and pooping and having the piss in her pants. Yemada is as hot looking Asian Japanese girl who does all this Tik Tok with the old content she begins to each video with requests from her primarily horny and male subscribers who want her to do a certain brand and to drink

a certain drink many times until she wets in her pants. Yemada gets overloaded with these requests and she sticks her ass in her customary sit down at her table with her ass in there has become a Tick Tock trademark.

Yemada drinks so much and being lactose intolerant many times the amount of pooping and farting noise that comes out of this bimbots arse is like and it come out of her ass as gas and this passes for Tik Tok content.  Yemada is incredibly tight looking fit and young Asian female and this could

explain her high numbers and the content creator success of Yemada as many times we have stated perhaps all of South Korea and Japanese females between 20-29 have had Tik Tok channels and produce content whoring themselves ;like this is self-humiliation and sexual exploitation. 

     This Tick Tock economy has done our aid money and allies well as much USAID money goes to these Korean content creators we have suggested in a full investigation of how these Tit Tokers are fully funded often pushing fuck cream and face cream and other grift snake oil products thanks to

USAID. Yamani drinks so much she squirms and often making funny faces and doing shitty stuff as she drinks tons of liquids and often is seen with a table full of the containers given by advertisers to drink her puss and ass off.  She often shoves onto the

ground unable to control her body functions this is a state of tick tock in 2025 where we have little bimbo drinking much and making little sense aside from showing off their ass and they're cute little facial features and expressions and essentially this is what Tik Yok has evolved into aside from the dancing bimbo pinballs like Yemada.

Ali Buckets missing in action likely beaten in the gym in late December

      Jack Pooter

        The famous Tik Tok pranker known as Ali buckets is Mia and according to rumors he was he suffered a Smackdown and a beat down and late December. Ali Buckets does these pranks where he sprays water guns on people especially big bucks in gyms and Ali Buckets thinks it's very funny and he loves his pranks well it appears that Ali has fucked around and he found out as according to sources suffered a beating profusely and is still suffering the effects in hospital and

therapy not having to do with video since early January or late December. Ali Buckets was spraying some real muscle when he picked the wrong mother fucker to spray a water gun that according to sources. Ali buckets was sent to the hospital at the Gold's Gym in New York City as he sprayed this big guy several times before getting the smack

down as The Rock used to say say and likes to troll dudes who look like Dwayne Johnson and look like these professional wrestlers huge jack up steroid pro wrestlers on the juice. 

    Ali Buckets does hundred sof videos fucking around and founding out and this is what happened apparently as Ali is MIA since Christmas time somewhere to be down where the other gym patrons and end this

beating of an unconscious Ali Buckets. We miss Ali Buckets and his water gun but new sooner or later he was going to fuck around and find out with the wrong person. You just cannot in this day and age and large cities in America spray people with guns and expect nothing's ever going to happen to you and

for some reason this cocky fucker with his wax eyebrows may this the main focus and content of his Tick Tok Channel often spring these big guys who cannot find the source of where this water was cut was coming from and who was shooting them with water in a crowded gyms. something ha[[need to Ali and it doesn't appear to be good and we hope he recovers after fucking around and finding out at these various gyms in the New York City area.

Miserable Sam Seder flops in debut on Piers Morgan's National show in America and across the pond loses argument and debate with Benny Johnson, Jillian Michael's

  Dick May

       Licking his chops like he has some gum disease the communist radical socialist dipshit no missing their ugly failed in his panel debut on Piers Morgan show. Sam Seder appeared with Fitness Guru Julian Michaels and your boy Benny Johnson in a spirited debate and it's a miserable unfunny Sam Sedar was all serious in smirk one smile in this entire debate this is because left wing lunatics like Sam Sedar of the Majority

Report are miserable and rotten human beings who are angry at life and angry at other beings who do not agree with their political opinions. Son of Sam look like a psychopathic serial killer As this bearded one was disparate and humiliated by your boy Benny Johnson and Julian Michaels, both who unlike Sam made numerous facial features, smiles, and expressions. 

        Sam Seder look like a robot and a lobster as he licked his chops either he had a steak dinner that his girlfriends were cooking that he was eager to get to or he was fucking nervous. Sam Seder brought up how Elon Musk and Doge are trying to take money from Hungry Africans is the weird direction that Sam Cedars failed debate took was utterly amazing. Sam felt like a man

under siege as a lone liberal often arguing with the host appears Morgan and the black t-shirt it's done Benny Johnson along with lesbian Fitness girl Jillian Michaels. Sam Seder utterly failed unable unable to crack even anything resembling a smile as this dude was all serious and full of propaganda and he went as usual as he does on the Majority Report with the racial card saying that USAID was trying to take away money

for hungry black and brown children. Sam Seder are also was unable to answer why there's so much wealth concentrated in the Washington DC area and how much of this wealth is tide to Democratic party corruption and the massive increase of spending for government federal workers as Sam tries to make it out like it was a military and lobbyists who were collecting all the money in and around Washington DC. 

    The amount of horseshit Sam Seder left was more than on a Sunday afternoon in 1887 in Dodge City downtown Dodge City and Sam Seder is unable as a left-wing communist unable forward any type of serious argument on government spending is he knows and beliefs that much of it goes to these days to extreme left-wing Progressive agendas which he supports Sam Seder is a psychopathic and habitual liar who's a supporter of Bernie Sanders and this man seems not eager to debate those on the other side a dramatic change from a few years ago where he was eager to take on right wingers like Steven Crowder and Ben Shapiro and begged for the notoriety and debate. Flash forward 2024  Sam looks like man on the run and a man with scrambled egg brains who just can't stop licking his lips. Likely Sam and his alter ego were so

disoriented being on an actual podcast and program where there's actual debate which he is not used to these days performing miserably on his Majority Report and never having an actual right winger of major notoriety and news talk. Sam Sedar utterly failed and this dude needs to just retire and enjoy his life with his two left-wing craze girlfriends who toy for his attention in Emma Vigeland and Nomika Konst and how this dweeb Sam Sedar is able to get to decent looking women share his bed remains a mystery in something that Piers Morgan should dwell in the future

Mancow bashes Maddow

       Dennis Harris

      Mancow Muller is still kicking around being humiliated in his personal feud and YouTube contest for subscribers with the homosexual Hal Sparks. Sparks is now gone over 80,000 subscribers while the arrogant Mancow refuses to purchase bots from our Chinese bot creator friend Chin Gag guy after offering him and he is still stuck at a measly 10,000 subscribers. Mancow Muller just can't seem to understand that in order to make it on YouTube you have to purchase fake subscribers and this fool will always be stuck at 10,000 subscribers. Mancow Muller is a far removed from his days as a top-rated National radio host and one who often appeared on WWF programs and was once the king of Chicago shock shock radio Mancow

has now regressed into this obscure YouTube host that again only has 10,000 subscribers and has been getting smoked by Hal Sparks as they have been going back and forth through the months about the number of subscribers. 

     Hal Sparks had 30,000 subscribers and told Mancow Muller that despite Mueller's bigger name he would reach 100,000 well before a Mancow. Muller is desperate for new subscribers until he contacts us and Chin Gags bot click farm factory goggin China  to create some fake Chinese and Google accounts he will be stuck at measly 10,000k subscribers is this man is too cheap to spend. This is unfortunate because

Mancow does put out some good content and his take down of the Mad Dog Maddow on MSNBC was utterly amazing. Mancow Muller absolutely roasted this lesbian as she took on her own Executives to task angered about Joy Reid's firing and Mancow Mueller says if this individual was a white male heterosexual he would have been fired for making these comments about his own network. However, Mancow points out because Richard Maddow is a lesbian she can get away with making these comments and not face any job and securities are consequences for her outrageous attack on management for firing essentially what was the biggest racist American television has ever seen. Rachel Maddow is indeed well is a piece of shit  disgusting over-paid who runs a seriously demented propaganda's channel on the propaganda's network of MSNBC. Mancow Muller still predicted that given Rachel Madhouse egregious contract the sooner or later this son of a bitch weirdo will be fired by the network just like Joy Reid. Mueller reminded his audience

that Joy Reid was so arrogant cocky she never thought she was going to be fired having said that on her old Twitter account before the trolling got so bad she quit Twitter X. Mancow Muller says that Rachel Maddow has absolutely no integrity or talent in very few people outside the urban elites extreme sexual identities bubble and square would follow and consider Mr Maddow a serious new source of news. Mancow ripped the gay and lesbian ass of Richard Maddow and this stupid son of a bitch is still being employed by MSNBC man come over said is a fucking disgrace to this one time respected network.

Eric from Eric's video bitch slaps Pokimane in her reaction to those who dare to criticize Kendrick Lamar Super Bowl appearance

 The woke in Crazy Moroccan -born streamer knows Pokimane is in hot water with many people criticizing her reaction to those who didn't like Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl halftime show. Many people in this country do not know who Kendrick Lamar is in their first encounter with this jackass was at the Super Bowl with many wondering who is his old man and why are so many people enthralled with this weird

all black production at the Super Bowl. The streamer who was born in Morocco or Casablanca and his lucky to be making money talking in a microphone and not in a Casablanca brothel is a woman named Pokimane the incredibly hot Pokimane gave her two cents as many leftists have rushed the defense of this weird rapper named Kendrick Lamar. Indeed Tik Tok seem to be coming to the defense of this 40 something year old negro rapper and his highly controversial Super Bowl halftime show with many people calling it offensive, lame, and just plain stupid. 

         Apparently this bothered Pokimane is she thinks as a good leftist that everyone must love criminals and black people's music. The woke leftist has a fetish for black criminals and black music  and this is always expressed and seen on Tik Tok and Twitch streamers who are far left as such as Pokemon. With this Eric from Eric's video criticized Pokimane and played several lunatics leftists in their video rants of the

week. Eric highlighted Pokimann's response saying that only white men had a problem with a Super Bowl performance and Eric from Eric's video had a reminder for this arrogant and ignorant streamer that indeed many people of all colors dislike rap. Many who have some knowledge on music do not know who like Kendrick Lamar nor liked  Rick Lamar's horrible Super Bowl performance was defended by Pokimane who went on a rant and is feeling the heat from many streamers who have long blasted this lunatic Moroccan woman and the weird bisexual talk that she often does as a part of her stream and a platform directed towards young people. 

    Kendrick Lamar's halftime show sucked and according to Pokimane and others if you consider Lamar's music and performance sucking that somehow you're a racist. Eric from Eric's video utterly eviscerated this pompous, young woman and called her out for the locoism and stupidism that she represents and is allowed on a platform. Pokemon is a bimbo and a half who is lucky to be making a living it doing what she does which is not exactly watch and most likely she is given inflated numbers on her social media accounts because she's a devoted and true globalist which includes defending and loving black degenerated rap music