Dave Portnoy comes to Cicero, Illinois gets confronted by old mobsters as he reviews Freddys pizza forced to give good pizza review

 Chuck " Cheesepufff' Goodwin

    Pizza eating obsessed and Legend Dave Portnoy has come finally to the home of Al Capone and Cicero Illinois, Mr Courtney came to the infamous Chicago suburb long known for racial and gangster conflict through the years and the Barstool sports owner went to a gangster Italian neighborhood Deli and pizzeria. Dave Portany went into Freddy's which is a small shit hole that doesn't even serve good pizza and he had his One Bite Pizza bit that he often does through social media being able somehow to travel the country and Dave Portnoy  no he seems to have unlimited funding and money Mr Porknoy ate some pizza that was not very good and he admitted he rather have the Italian ice or try something else 

on the menu, but this place was so busy and he felt rushed several old Goomba gangsters approached Dave Portnoy ask why he was filming as he was eating pizza and they recommended other food and not the pizza from this mobster place. This pizza which is among the worst Dave Porno has ever tried as pone could see his face he didn't like it at all and it didn't look good as Dave Port did not even order a full pizza. Of course, he was not going to give a bad review to a possible business that has mobster mafia ties and gave Freddy's an excellent review as he bit into the obviously cheap pizza that looks and tastes worse than the 7-Eleven Pizza... the pizza found in 7-Eleven. why Dave was in the heavily gangster and Hispanic Cicero

Illinois doing his One Bite Pizza review was utterly amazing, shocking, appalling, and pizza insane. Freddy's pizza is awful and after the advice and confrontation with two old school Goodfellas he was sure to give one hell of a good pizza review for what is obviously a carboard pizza place that hardly ever pops up ever on anyone's map outside of the Cicero or Berwyn Illinois area. The amount of pizza that Dave Port was limited as his box only had one or two pizzas slices  and this guy was not going to waste his money on inferior Pizza. Clearly, Dave Portland likely went back in there when it was less bustling and no camera and had real food that this place is known for in Italian cuisine as their Pizza is never received good reviews. Dave Portnoy is a pizza freak and this man just travels wherever he can get pizza and do a pizza video through his Tik Tok and YouTube Pizza channels and this guy gets free money from the pizza Banks and pizza overlords around the country.

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