Kevin O'Leary and wrestling legend Kane Glen Jacobs humiliates and challenges Tim Walz to a fight

     Gino Frobel

       Following the challenge that failed an ugly Tim Weird Minnesota Governor made to Trump supporters. The former professional wrestler known as Kane and current mayor named Glen Jacobs answered the challenge before that though a few hours and CNN Kevin O'Leary lay down the challenge as well. The former Shark Tank host absolutely eviscerated this dipshit known as Tim Waltz as the horrible and embarrassing Minnesota Governor has been talking tough shit as he is seriously thinking

about making a presidential run. Walz is doing this despite the fact that no one outside of Minnesota likes him and even in the state where he holds office there are many people vehemently hate his ass. Walz is hated in his home state many cannot stand this idiot. 

       The former professional wrestler Glen Jacobs and current small town mayor of Knoxville they also known Kane as king made the challenge and this guy would absolutely destroy Tim Waltz in a fight. Tim Waltz had also spoken and a conference where he said he gets a boost during the day by seeing the stock of Elon Musk's company Tesla drop. This is clearly because Tim Walz is a partisan prick a weird

individual and a failed bad politician who is committed to pushing progressive transsexual identity and this is the basis of this man's life. He was very upset that he is not vice president where he could further use his political office along with Kamala Harris to initiate more transgendered brainwashing for the youth of this nation....da youthhh of the nationnnn. Tim Waltz is mad because Elon Musk help Donald Trump win and thus the Democrat fascists such as Mr Waltz continue to try to discredit and attack the

car company Tesla owned by Elon Musk. company. Kevin O'Leary destroyed the woke members on the CNN panel including the racist Abby Phillips and then he gave a poignant fact about the absurdity of Tim Walz bashing the sticking wishing its decline while so many state workers in Minnesota's pensions are tied to it.


What we are seeing thanks to dipshits like Tim Watts have increased attacks against random individuals who own Teslas. Tim Walz not only should be arrested, but this man should be forced to resign his political office as the man is clearly delusional and dangerous individual. We have contacted all of the media and the DNC and demanded Tim Walz resign as governor of the state of Minnesota for

hos open extremism and willingness of people to attack and dump on a car American company based solely on the political beliefs of the owner. Kevin O' Leary mocked Tim Walz on CNN saying that many Minnesota state workers' pensions are tied to Tesla and essentially this dumb dumb was hoping that their fortunes are dumped because Mr Walt is an extremist within the Democrat Party that has been hijacked by weird green party individuals such as this Charlie Brown looking Tim Walz. 

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