Woody Underwood
The number of prognostics for the upcoming Mexican and American Drug War are all over on YouTube with most saying rightfully that the American Military will wipe out these nefarious and sinister Mexican drug cartels. However, some trolls are claiming that the cartels will give the Americans a hard time and some green beret jackass who goes under the YouTube channel Green Beret Chronicles keeps named Jay Dorleaus trolling line and spreading misinformation on how powerful the Mexican drug cartels are.
This little troll likely is a drug addicting rooting for the Mexican drug cartel in Green Beret Chronicles continues to troll and do all these thumbnails and videos where he predicts the United States military is walking into a trap and will be annihilated by the various Mexican drug cartels that have essentially the backing of this corrupt and sick Mexican drug Mexican government.
Green Beret Chronicles is a former member of the military one would think this jackass knows the strength of it yet he's looking for clicks and attention with a small and insignificant military YouTube channel. This silly jackass does all these American Military is going to get owned by the Mexican drug cartel videos and this man provides no evidence ignoring the power and might how much technology and intelligence United States has in fighting small insignificant domestic international domestic terrorist groups which the Mexican drug cartel has just been labeled. I don't know what drugs this guy is getting from Mexico, but Green Beret Chronicles and his trolling and stupid videos one can conclude that this man is clearly on meth or crack when he does a video. Green Beret needs to stop this weird Mexican drug cartel and join one of Khalifa Haftar's seven nation mercenary army in Libya or whatever.
Green Beret Chronicles thinks because the Mexican drug cartel gives Mexico's weak police force and non-existent military hard time that somehow this will translate with the United States presses hard into Northern Mexico, and Baja California. Green Berry Chronicles continues to host and debate with other military YouTube channels and expert giving his prognosis of the difficulties the United States is going to have with essentially drug addicted and Cocaine ( And (coke a cola) addicted members of the Mexican
drug cartel. The stupidity and arrogance of this black green beret is always on display with every video that Jay Dorkelos does and again this man is either on crack himself or full of wishful thinking in his aid and desire to see the Mexican drug cartels prevail and continue the terrorism that the Mexican drug cartels have been conducting unchallenged until now. Whether this YouTube has Green Beret Chronicles is an actual member of the current Mexican drug cartel remains to be seen
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