Rush Limbaugh's expectations of James Bond

Nick Dumbjilio
    Rush Limbaugh looks like a guy who spends much time watching television and movies. He is specifically worried about what race a fictional character of James Bond should be as rumors whirled around that a black British a for might finally get an opportunity to portrait this long-standing Hollywood role that has gotten very lame and stale. Personally , I think these Hollywood chumps need to come up with something new for once and quit relying on these franchise movies that corporate big wigs insist on continuing not letting new creativity and story line to develop on the big screen. Rush Limbaugh is a big fat fuck who gets paid to open his trap and say controversial stuff that gets his franchise name out there in the media.
 A black James Bond would tank with attendance and this is something that Limbaugh should of pointed out for Sony to consider. Audiences have been programmed to think certain iconic roles should be consistent and few movies  are a major hit with a black  lead. the few ones that have were dependent on the extreme comedic talent and successful past of the actor.I am surprised Rush didn't compare the creation of a black James Bond is as stupid as a blond hair Axel Foley if they ever made a remake. He should of compared it to casting Owen Wilson as a new Beverly Hills Cop series. Rush Limbaugh was right to be criticized but what he said is reality about role expectations and maintenance of  classic characters no matter what liberals in media say about equality.

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