Kyle Kuklinski bashes religious Southerners

Jordon Morgan
   Kyle Kuklinski and others question the need to preserve a Southern culture in his beratement  of the Confederate flag. Kuklinski is the host of some secular talk youtube show and he has jumped on the Charleston shooting like most liberals to mock Southern Whites and anything they hold I high reguard and treasure. Kuklinski says this flag is a symbol of slavery ignoring the fact that slaves were under the yoke of the American flag much longer than a few years of Confederate banner. Kuklinski mocks that the Confederate flag represents pride and a Southern Scoth-Irish American identity of pioneers who settled the land and conquered it from savage Indians producing immense wealth that these plantations and the institution of slavery benefited all regions of this country. Say what you want to say but without slavery this country would be Romania and Bulgaria and it was the southerners who helped develop this system in building up a superpower where a Kyle Kuklinski could benefit centuries later mocking its very creation and preservation. Black slaves then and their descendants now are totally incapable of making a strong country and power (ie see Haiti) and white southerners knew this fighting to last man to preserve their lifestyles against Northern aggression. knucklehead Kuklinski real issue with Southerners is not the Confederate flag but his hatred for evangelicals and this hatred by the rest of the country will untimely make southerners realize the need to protest and call for autonomy and succession away from the States much like what we are seeing in the rest of the world with Catalonians to Scotchmen. Kuklinski's hatred for religion is obviously moving towards people and the flags that symbolizes them  but apparently only when it comes to White people. The likes of Kyle are fine with minorities having an identity despite the more brutal treatment they have given to outsiders.


  1. If only the south would secede. This country would be so much better off without their drag on the national economy and their drag on the nations character.

  2. Please leave, it would benefit democracy if the theocrats left.

  3. Instead of forming own churchs they should be forming own city states like the Vatican and use it to steal wealth all around. Like all them Italian city-states did at one time . Hmmmmm

  4. if you think that slavery is gone or doesn't exist now days then your the idiot. Country was better off with system that didn't encourage urban decay and ward a slave to the state and big government and welfare generational horsw=e manure Yp do realize Comanche , Zulus and Chropkee had slaves too????Arabs Somalis afghanis etc etc . Vivaelte just prefer the races of slaves reversed
