Risky Rob's gold-digger videos just plain lame

Ramon Ramos
   Risky Rob YouTube pranker is perhaps the biggest sexiest out there with his numerous gold digging pranks and videos he makes for his small devoted and demented audiences. it seems like all of the ornaks this guy does through YouTube follow a similar pattern where he movies in on the most attractive woman and makes a real lame come on in public. The woman follows a usual script of ignoring or turning down this stranger and his creep dialogue and request to go somewhere and stuff their faces with food. Risky Rob can't seem to appreciate the fact that maybe these women have busy lives or are waiting for someone as he approaches them and the jest of these videos is that these women are gold diggers.
he then has a realy expensive car come buy by a valet driver and supposedly these women express much more of an interest in this tall dark stranger because they have a fast car. A woman being attracted to a noce car is no different than a jerk like Risky rob approaching only the real thin and attractive girls on the street and what really is the point of these bad YouTube prank channels aside from promoting and implicating that young women ae only interested in guys with flashy cars and money. Again would a jerk like risky rob approach ever a mid-size or plump woman and make the same requests and invitations and if he wouldn't how is this somehow different than the gold-diggers who prefer tospend quality time with guys with something going on aside from making bad sexist internet videos.Risky Robs videos offer nothing but negativity for the viewer and often seems to have a purposeful and hurtful agenda knocking peoples attraction to expensive tastes and mobility machinese otherwise known as fossil-fuel climate destroying automobiles.  he gives the gil a gold shovel and tells her to dig her own gold and one would wish a woman affected by this Risky Rob prank more appropriately use the shovel on this dude

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