Is Kim Russo a quack or a brilliant con?

Whitaker Marshal III
  I just discovered a book of Kim Russo and it is called "The happy medium". Kim Russo talks about talking to ghosts and often about her relationships with men who nailed her before marriage. This woman hosts some find quality programming on hauntings on corporate cable not surprisingly that the cable medium would push the idea that people can talk to spirits without a shred of evidence. I grew up with family members like a Kim Russo whose demented minds convince themselves they can talk to spirits and while spirits may exist having conversations and showing their presence is the stuff of looney tunes. Image result for kim russoKim  Russo has found a way to profit with her misinformation and lies about the ability of people to see or dialogue with eh spirit world and this woman is a total nut nd fuck job. I wonder is she even had  boob job nd it went to her brain. The book "A Happy Medium" is two hundred pages of complete nonsense of Miss Russo talking about the men she picked up dancing in her youth and the two thousand or so spirits she has communicated through her years of her special needs ability to seek spiritual connections to supposed ghosts that have no connection to her. Russo looks like she is putting on some pounds and maybe instead of writing and reading  about ghosts she should be reading some heath fitness books. Why would a ghost want to talk to a Kim Russo. This woman looks like a drunk you would see in the corner bar asking to go to your car so she can make a quick twenty for some cigarettes. Image result for kim russoIf spirits and ghosts were real they would be talking with world leader and bugging them all of the tie and not some two-bit whore con artist club trance dancer from the Bronx or Brooklyn or wherever this dingbat comes from.  A devote Catholic this woman writes that children are able to see ghosts more clearly and so forth. the child--like mind of Kim Russo is still evident in this book and I imagine others these publishers have given access to rite her bullshit and there is n redeeming quality of her books or cable show. This woman is a complete fraud. this woman spent much time dancing in the clubs and obviously the club drugs have gotten to her brain through the years. Image result for kim russo bookShe popped a few no doubt while dancing in a trance and always looking for that tall prince charming to guide her spirit and share her ghost passions and life her amazing psychic phenomena. I guess if the ghost field was crowded with writers this woman would be claiming to talk to UFO's and other things that go bump in the day.  Why is the hell is this woman rewarded with her complete nonsense with book deals and television programs covering entities that don't exist and have been disproven with modern technology.Image result for kim russo book Likely the corporate world that relies on advertising scams want people dumbed down through quality programming that this witch has to offer and the endlessly dumbing down of the public through television medium is very evident in cases like Kim Russo being on the air. What else can I say about Kim Russo?  Nothing more although I feel like goingt o a corner bar and finding a bimbo like this maybe this weekend for a cheap thrill.


  1. To answer your question "why is she rewarded?" ... Because the greedy networks are all struggling inside a frenzy of shark infested waters to vomit as much garbage content out as possible to fill up their empty streaming apps that they so greedily pulled off the networks to make their own money off of. Anyone with an idea and a smidge more than no talent can get a show on any one of these networks. Were in a time of greed and lack of creativity. Everything's been done and every channel or station that has 1 interesting show can pop up a streaming app that they can charge 5 or 10 dollars a month for. This creates a place where consumers who pay a hundred bucks a month to access cable packages like myself have to pay additional costs to stream shows off the networks they/we are already paying for. Its greed. And that's why no talent sheisters can get their own series' on low rent streaming networks like CW, Discovery, and all the like.

  2. Kimm Russo is fucking idiot and a dumb ass
