Dinesh D'Souza has an epiphany while confided in a prison and realizes the Democratic urban crimnal network is key to unlocking the bank accounts of tax payers

Randolph Perkins
   Dinesh D'Souza went to a half-way prison and got many writing ideas while confined for the night in a prison following his plea agreement for improperly donating money to a campaign. D'Souza said he learned much for talking to hardened criminals and saw many comparisons to the Democratic part and how they handle operations in areas that come under their control and domination. Dino said that America is regressing and becoming more and ore like old India while India is progressing and becoming more and more like what the founders intended for this country. throughout the book Dinesh calls progressive agendas as actual redistribution theft for the undeserving and lazy in society and take from the gainers and smart people of society who come up with the ideas for actual honest wealth.
The wealth gained by much of the underclass Dinesh observed in his encounters with these outlaws was that their fraud was no different than the largest and original gangsters f the democratic party. The ruthless nature of the hoodlum and gang organizations is explained by Dinesh who after eight months had earned the respect and admiration of these monsters who aw Dinesh as someone standing up the most powerful warlord of all and that was Barack Hussein Obama. That larceny ,corruption, and terror being trademarks of urban living throughout American history should not have been lost on Dinesh and there is a reason that the Democrat criminal party dominates politics in Americas big three cities and have for a long time. Dinesh says big government is a result of creating fake wealth and from takin legitimate wealth by the Democratic party and illustrates why the cities they have under decades of political domination tend to be dominated by kleptocrats and gang war lords and many of these cities resemble third world countries of division and shanty towns more than traditional equal opportunity capitalism that once presided over America. Image result for dinesh d'souza in confinement centerYoung Americans are not interested in attempting to end this monopoly control over cities as they have successfully fallen for the  lie and divisions put forth by a pop media and show little interest of improving tor being loyal to the area of their birth and indeed many flock to these corrupt urban centers seduced by the opportunity and wealth of these areas and are eager for service industry jobs waiting tables and being a barista to the ruling corrupt classes. Dinesh takes apart and rips the asshole of Barack and the Clintons and calls out Americans for realizing the con game being playe dby them from domestic traitorous enemies of business and our suppose allies overseas.

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