George Will bashes Trump's tariff rules because he never had to worry about his bought journalism job and had to work in a steel plant

Dominick D 'Souza
   Columnist George Will is a partisan hack who wishes to see the current status quo of importing steel abroad from countries such as Canada, South Korea, Mexico, and Brazil instead of being made and produced in America that had for generations built this country into an industrial powerhouse. Men who make a living from writing such as this old clown never had to worry about importing journalists and lowering the costs and ability for Mr Will to make a living and Mr Will's recent article criticizing president Trump's trade goals and polices to reverse the economic warfare from what Will claims are our "allies" .
Will claims that the industries trade problems started in 1959 after a strike by steelworkers made a one hundred day shut down for living increased wages and the steel industry found alternative markets and suppliers as if somehow workers wanting strong wages are at fault for the current trade imbalances and that workers not making easy living writing columns in newsprint should just accept austerity measures imposed by the autocratic owners of capital. Hogwash. Trump wants to reverse this and is starting on South Korean dishwashers imported to gain greater profit for the ruling capital class long exploiting foreign labor through illicit work conditions and then importing the crap into America when all in while manufacturing jobs should of been provided in America producing dishwasher and washing machines minus the fucking middlemen an.
George Will is a hack for the global trade fraudulent economic terrorists of nations and this best explains his and other major resistance against his policies by the paid-for mainstream media. Men like Will George have nothing but disdain for American workers who work with their hands and do not write or have proper grammar writing skills. This is a fuckface who has never worked a real job in his life and basically Mr WIll serves the interests of our "allies" such as steel makers Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, and Canada and whose wealth through importing steel into America for the shitty strip mall in New Jersey or new local government building in Illinois makes many foreigners wealthy and in turn they support members to speak for them in the like George Will.
George has made tons of money speaking for the global economic interests and increased importing of products no longer produced in America and goes to some two hundred Major League Baseball games a year through this power position and employment for himself. George Will is worried for Chinese steel and wishes to see Chinese gain in strength through these unequal trade deals and prevention of increased American production to compete in this nations very own market. Tariffs are long over due against Red China and men like Mr Will long overdue for treason charges and basically theft charges for supporting a crony corrupt system giving preference to foreign companies at the expense of living conditions and opportunities for Americans in their own country and denial for mass areas of sustaining themselves through manufacturing and production of items sold in this country. .

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