Double H Hunter Harrison about to be another train wreck for railroad workers

Clifford Gifford
   Hunter Harrison is a lifetime geriatric white-hair railroad executive that has worked long and tiresome to screw over workers through the years. Fortune Magazine is heralding this man as he takes over the engine of another railroad as chief executive of CSX railroad. As he inhales his oxygen tank on a daily basis Mr Harrison has a plan to turn around the railroad and sticking it to hard rail years workers as he hopes to turn and make cuts and burden workers with more and more work massive profits for the hedge funds demanding change for CSX.
Harrison n has screwed over workers and their incomes three times in the past as head of Illinois Central.,Canadian National, and Canadian Pacific and the stock brokers are gambling that Mr Hunter Harrison doe sit again to blue collar workers in North America. This fuck face totally runied good hard paying jobs at Illinois Central and shits like this guy need to be tarred and feathered for their quest to destroy jobs and ability for people to earn good livings. Mr Harrison is another executive who wants to make the unnecessary cuts and burden workers with more and more work in order for stock prices to reverse and quick gains made to the investing global classes.  My odd sin Vegas City as I blog live today on some March madness gambling is that this piece of shit will not finish his four year contract and will not be able to fuck over the CSX railroad and its workers as done in the past. As Fortune magazine reported in a recent piece on this ahh piece of shit that shippers sent Mr Harrison and other executives a Howard Stern letter. In it they declared their frustration with the service deterioration. Mr Harrison , of course,  is a a cocky old shit wind and company executives are not sweating it and want the Harrison revolution to stay course. Mr Harrison thinks he can traverse the complicated railroad structure with no delays or mess as he seeks to increase congestion and traffic in urban shit hole areas instead of the traditional prairie and tundra rural movements. This joker thinks he can share commuter urban lines and have no trouble as he tries to lower costs with less locomotives an d rail cars.
This jerk immediate closed many hubs where trains would rest and go choo choo into the night. He also split company on bad terms with Canadian National as directors often complained  he was using company jet and time to go shopping at 7 11 and had astronomical costs for his mile high frequent flying obsessions. This is a jackass who wants management to be all over workers heads as he proudly proclaims as a part of his reform and often gets rewarded as hedge funds purchase stock and attempt take overs and cost cutting measures against the gains of union workers.

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