Jeff Berwick concerned about Russian legalization of bitcoin and the regulation that will come

 Arthur "King" Eason
   Jeff Berwick chainsmokes a hundred cigarettes a day and wishes to see government go away and now he is concerned about Vladimir Putin. Jeff Berwick has recently heavily come out against the Russian oligarch leader for legalizing Jeff's beloved bitcoin and other crypto-currency offerings and Berwick is no chump. This fuck face wishes to be king and lord of his own private manor and force those of lower status to light his cigarettes and turn over their children and wives to him at night. This man wants to be both a Latin King in Mexico and a royal King in America but now he is thinking about the czar lifestyle in mother Russia. Berwick is studying premier Putin's sudden interest in regulating the fake coins of cryptostan and Berwich has broken six ashtrays this week angered at the prospect of Russia fgetting tough on these scamcoins. Berwick and others cannot set up their feudal systems until governments and Central banks go away and he thinks a little bit of computer coin here and a litltle bit of some coin here created on massive networks is th solution.
While he may be a pinhead he is absolutely correct to assert that Putin's legalization of bitcoin will bring about massive change to how states regulate and inspect this growing industry where data analytical programmers can decide what is money and what is not. The pinhead knocked Putin's claim that the state needs to watch these cryptocurrencies and make sure the average citizen is not swindled of their life savings form snake oil salesmen like Jeff Berwick.
A prick like Berwick loves to see provate ventures bamboozle people with products as he is an addicted of tobacco and has fallen to the vitues of product obviously unsafe andunhealthy. Just the fact this shit pushes the idea that cigarette smoking is acceptable is reaosn enough for anything this shit to say to be examined along with his mental health. Berwick often goes on-line and ramble bullshit about government telling people what to do and preventing men like him from reasserting a feudal society where they can opprese others and do as they wish with thie rorivate for-hire mercenaries. He often gets all hpoer and stupid and starts undressing for no reaosn threatneing world leaders and saying they all should end up like Benito Mussolini. Jeff Berwick needs to go to the Russian front and say this in and around Vladamir Putins secret police and they will line his ass up old Mexico style where he can have his final smoke and puff like the magic dragon of big government that he wishes to sleigh.

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