Jeff Berwick bashes Mark Zuckerberg and Fedbook

Zachary Zuckerberg
   Anarcho capitalist Jeff Berwick blasted the social repression of Facebook mocking the company and name in an article he wrote about the recent banning that my brother Mark Zuckerberg insists on doing. The pinhead Jeff Berwick blasted facistbook and the policies of censorship that Mark has initiated as demanded by the globalist swishing to suppress voices of nationalism and pride of nation which is something big open-borders global business frowns upon making their money form dominating as many markets that the governments rulers will allow. Berwick has been banned by FBibook as he terms it and Facebook,Twitter, and YouTube banishment of investigative reporters is a objective of the global monopolist and mafia classes based in Rome and Brussels in quelling discontent and bringing about massive numbers of foreigner into the West to quell nationalism and the traditions of Western liberalism and thought. Facebook grew Berwick says because of its connection with the bankesters and deep state and massive number of freebie dollars from the fed to run its one world order agenda that brings about an economy that ahh pays Hollywood stars millions of dollars for reading scripts and jackasses like Howard Stern forty million.
Jeff Berwick says without government and Marks money and investors seeking to empower one this company would never exist and always has had a goal of working with business and government to spy and sell data on individuals. Berwick told investors to dump stock in this rotten company and invest in crypto-currencies instead and that Fuckbooks days are numbered.  Make no mistake Mark Zuckerberg is globalist fascist and the events in France worry him and other transnationals in their objective of destroying peoples cultures and the idea of a nation state. Of course, the pinhead Jeff Berwick is no fan of the state and his surprising attack on nobleman Mark Zuckerberg is surprising since this Berwick and libertarians often seem to have preferences for those individuals with large amounts of numbers next to their bank accounts. Berwick is likely just mad at the difficulty he has encountered through  social media censorship tactics for his own brand and Media organization and website he desperately promotes to make some extra jingle for himself in his Acapulco base.

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