Sean Muldoon and others brings about violent book "Dead Rabbit" trying to market booze to kids

  Baxter Lomax
   Sean Muldoon and some other writers brought about a disgustingly violent graphics book called Dead Rabbit and based on glorifying the violence seen in the movie Gangs Of New York" where some violent rabbit head just kills everything. This book is the product of Sean Muldoon who loves to push booze and drink and this book is written preciously to make this connection of the importance of mixolgy and cocktail drinks for an impressionable youth who might come across this nasty writing. Half of the book is violent thug story line while the other half is recipes for drinks to get people blasted and because Sean Muldoon lives half of his living life in a stuper manner it is no reason others have to and learn to read that life is exciting in such one.
This is exactly what Muldoon's crazy book seems to attempt and this literally crap exposes the pychosis of Sean and these fellow writers who made such a product.
Jack McGarry is the other writer of this shit called Dead rabbit and I think the reason Irish people like these two fools celebrate drink and gangsterism is because the Irish are so irreverent these days even having been replaced by the Mexican and Latin America in love of today's Catholic empire based in Rome. Irish hooliganism and gangster worship is missed by these authors including Jillian Vose who is some mixoligist cocktail bimbo and part of this book.  This book is sick as it target youth and promotes both booze and violence and we all now this is not a good mix but apparently in the name of book sales and money these three screwdriver drinking  screwballs think it is all right.

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