Simon Whistler from Visual Politik now meddling with Indian politics

Peter Patel
   YouTube host of a channel called VisualPolitiks a bald dude named Simon makes propaganda videos dissecting the internal politics of many nations. He finally  did one on India's Nerander Modi calling him worse than Hitler. Simon Whistler's new video attacking the prime minister of India is clearly a bought and paid for attack on the Indian leader by Muslims angered at his rise and push for India to be a Hindu nation and no longer the multi-cultural state vision by Mahatma Ghandi. Ghandi would not support this vision in a modern era of mass Muslim extremism and terrorism and no where does Simon make mention of the thousands of terrorist acts and Muslim atrocities in the past two decades that gave rise to Nerendra Modi nor does he cares as his visupal politics sees Modi
as a extremist genocidal killer because this is what Simon's pay master tells Simon says what to say. Whistler called the Indian popular politician and beloved figure all sorts of names and basically this shit head knows little of Indian politics or how the nation was formed and its history. Muslims have long oppressed Hindus in the region and used Islamofacist ideas and now that the shoe has turned on the other foot Muslims cannot handle it and are funding dickwads such as Mr Whistler to attack leaders who stand up against sharia oppression and demands of the Islamofacists.
The Indian prime minister has the respect of all major figures in international politics and business sform Mark Zuckerberg to Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and I'm sure Mr Modi is not sweating that fuck head Simon Whistler came out with a seething attack of him on-line on his little viewed YouTube boob channel. Simon Whistler has to accept that the turn against the open borders one world government agency that he supports is ending and being majorly resisted form all fronts from both Eastern and Western peoples and the era of global trade rulers of one percent trade is coming to a kaput and the cronies like Simon will face the consequences for their propaganda.

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