Nick Fuentes confronts Ben Shapiro and Mark Levin on the streets of Orlando

Neil Knight
    Right-Winger You-tuber and rising star of hate Nick Fuentes needs to show form time to time he just doesn't hate the far-left and the liberals so he this week confronted fellow nut and crazeball Ben Shaprio as many members of the far-right are fighting among themselves these days on-line. If anything Nick Fuentes would make more interesting news confronting Michael Moore, Jeremy Scahill. or ahh the Ogre Cenk Uygur in the street than someone who otherwise agrees with 95% of what they think. Nick Fuentes attacked and confronted both Ben Shapiro and Mark Levin on the streets and in the halls of the Turning Point USA conference in west Palm Beach., Florida and cameras by activist Andy Ng captured the moment  the twenty one year old rising star of the on-line world confronted Ben Shapiro.
Cameras were not around when Nick Fuentes and right-wing m syndicated radio hall of famer and big mouth Mark Levin got into a brutal fight that almost turned physical. people had to interject and separate Levin form the man forty years his junior as apparently Mr Levin didn't know who this young joker was and wanted to pummel him onto the floor. Nick Fuentes is no Nick Sandmann and he is ready to confront is  detractors wherever or whoever they are  as Nick was furious that Shapiro
knocked him for forty minutes in a speech last month and Nick and he didn't like Levin asking organizers why he was allocated less time for no names and nobody's like Mr Fuentes. Mark Levin make his jingle some hundreds of thousands of dollars for his speaking gigs and the last thing he wants is to be confronted by some young punk groyper. Fuentes and his groyper army are gong after centralist Republicans and confronting them on the street for their work that they say doesnt go far enough for the actual conservative less government cause.

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