Daily Wire's Matt Walsh rips the liberal ass of Humanist Report Mike Figueredo

      Andy Cruz
   Matt Walsh like many conservatives cannot believe how much the Democrats and the left are angered by the air strike that killed a beloved ally of the Democratic Socialism Inc and the alliance between this organization and Islamic Jihadists have long been known and suggested. Within minutes the far left in media and on the internet were complaining and wondering what Iran was going to do next as if Americans needed to be fearful of this third rate country and its proxies in the Middle East that past administration refused to deal with and curtail in an efficient manner.

The Obama administration was one of Muslim empowerment so we knew little would ever have been done in the dark years of the Barack Hussein administration and now that we have a president willing to shove the words and threats of Iranian revolutionary Guard warlords and generals the American and EU left is besides themselves in fits of rage. Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire condemned the rhetoric and the fear mongering that is being pushed by many people and annalists through the media. Walsh eviscerated the numerous libtards defending of the Islamic fascists in Iran who only a few months ago
butchered over a thousand protesters and had killed three times that number during a Green protest in 2009 and Walsh in particular took issues with far-left radical communist named Mike Figueredo of the Humanist Report who is demanding street protest and sabotage to interfere with potentially conflict with his admired Islamo fascist Shiite radical Muslim state. As Walsh states Qassam son of a bitch Soleimani dug his own grave with hundreds of vicious and inflammatory threat against both America and Israel through the years and his vocal taunts were increasing n a weekly basis and thus earned his spot to be targeted and destroyed into more practical and useful matter on Earth and the Universe. Qassam Solebitch is he dead and MIke Figueredo , who is another fredo type character, looked visibly upset unable to get through his ten minute video he made following the news of this second in command rat bastard of the Islamo-fascists in Iran. Matt Walsh says other leaders of the Revolutionary Guard need to e targeted and destroyed and said liberal shits like the host of the Humanist Report need to accept this fact and if they have a problem with our war and incursion in Iraq killing terrorists they are more than free to leave and joining the ranks of the Iranian military in the coming weeks and months before this war initiates. Who knows maybe one day Mike Figueredo can rise in the ranks and take Qassam Soleimani's spot

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