Dave Dobrik doubles his fortune by putting 500 grand on red in a rigged roulette nano second

      Terry Blue
   The views podcast team of Kevin Nash and Dave Dobrik was  seen in a Madison ,Wis on casino last  weekend watching the NBA all star game and eating Doritos  and vodka at the small college town casino a few weekends ago. David Dobrik  lies win bed flushed with Central Bankers money form overseas he gets drunk and dum not knowing what to do with this money and make it grow. Dborik though must of hooked u with someone who knows ow to rigg the roulette table and the spread of knowledge when the wheel will turn and drop on your selected color is what the internationally cartel-linked drug gangs know how to do and why they initiated challenges and changes to the law to allow so many occasions  to be developed in America.

 Dave Dborik and his father Jason Nash are two corny and  connected silly bastards whose popularity and YouTube presence is over-blown in order for these men to be given hundreds of millions of dollars to play with and talk about the topics they are ordered and these two are so greedy they often go with their pals and play a few seconds of rigged roulette wheels games round the country bankrolling their projects and friends. If I have t hear these clowns talk about winning and doubling their money when playing a roulette game they know what odd or even or color will appear I think I will puke and mail it to his house in Vernon Hills,Illinois or the Hollywood hills.
Dborik games the system and finds out guaranteed wheel picks as he desires to collect all of these luxury expensive watches such as the statis version EPIC X CHRONO CR7  skeleton Astronomical Roulette Tourbillion dial Swiss watch with a gold case. 
 It is easy as fuck to rigg a roulette game especially playing  a electronic on-line version where software can  be easily manipulated and updated to the second to allow the operators to search at the bets and data lies of crummy podcasters and clowns like Dave Dobrik can easily be part in on the deal and a crooked system even in a live small casino lie ones in these rural areas where an electronic  device can move a ball to a particular color or number of used by a skillfully accurate and talented dealer. 

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