Troy York
Donald Trump stands accused of swindling a old millionaire elderly lady in Chicago. She agreed to buy two very expensive condos in Donald Trump's skyscraper in Chicago. Only the real rich could afford one of these places and sales were lagging as the economy got real bad. trump was getting very nervous about his false promises to leaders and contractors that these units would get filled up. in fact he had his daughter place several calls to some of the one percent young male sports athletes of various Chicago sports teams according to my sources. Still the Donald and his hair were having trouble filling up some of these exclusive condos. he decided to go to plan B
Nothing sells more than greed and in the promises Trump made to some of these other old rich people made some of them jump like a seal out of a thick ice hole. Donald though would be the big bad polar bear. He promised one old sea witch that she would get all the catering deals in his complex and promised several hanzel and gretzels to go with it. When Donald didn't deliver on this promise he was delivered a court hearing and got his ass sued. which is where we are at right now. I don't know how it will play out but this is obvious how a man like him does business. The real pathetic thing is that the media honored and rewarded this guy with a media career in television. The national media should of focusedow elite bastards of the one percent like him conduct business. This clearly shows how rich guys like him buy publicity and use it to distract what they really mean to the culture of America.
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