Should Western women be forced to wear Burqa and Niqabs?

Daniel Pipes is another of these Western intellects that fears Muslims and hates the fact that some women want to be covered up for religious reasons. Mr Pipes had attacked Muslims for years through his various blogs. He wants certain articles of clothing banned such as the common garb that Muslim women wear around the world. I suppose after this Mr Pipes and his garb will want to ban the hoodie and maybe skateboard hats and pants? If anything from what I see women wear now days in Europe and America maybe they should be forced to wear the Burqa instead of banning this modest dress. I am happy and proud whenever I see a young women in Islamic garb in America.
   This man is a right wing fanatic that obviously is scared to death of the prospects of a left/Islamic alliance that we at left Shark and Left Cresent media advocate. The real enemy and scourge in society are men like Daniel Pipes and Mark Steyn who want to use fear and differences in humanity to set up a bastion of intolerance and undemocratic rule. people like Mr Pipes wants a return to secular and colonial rule in the Middle East that only those in power that acted and talked like capitalist monarchs were allowed access to the new governments and countries European masters allowed to begin after years of rebellion. A rebellion that was usually started and continued with the strongest Islamic elements in the colonies. Those days are the ones that Mr Pipes wishes would return to the Middle East.

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