Troy York
English people are getting fed up with the international global financiers ruining their land based in London. London is open borders for other internationalists worried about their cash reserves in their homelands. Native Englishers are being pushed more and more to North in much the same way the Native Celts were pushed away 1500 years ago. I really think England is prime for a revolution and the complete destruction of the United Kingdom is a time that has come. the politics of this nation are already majorly divided along income and regional lines much like the red blue divide in America. London has let so many foreigners into their city as the so called job creators entrepreneurs are actually just reverse colonizers and England is the new colony for rich Saudis and others with little love for their adopted nation. The Saudis and the banksters are bleeding England dry and folks up in the country are getting restless. The Scots already had enough and see what can happen to their heritage and will soon vote for complete independence. the English will not have that luxury and will have to rise about against the city-state of London.
English folks need to turn off the mindless televisions and direct their soccer hooliganism into direct action against those forces in power with direct intent of destroying nation states. Indeed signs are starting to crack and the London riots were definitely a starting moment. Fourth parties need to be formed with intent of disrupting the status quo. Thye same elites that helped destroy the economy of the manufacturing areas North of the country are more and more looking as the enemies of the nation. the bitch that lead these reforms to transform all the wealth to the South died not long ago and soon her finance services industry will be destroyed by the same folks that had their incomes and lifestyle destroyed by the financiers. whether it is political or bloody in bloody old England will remain to be seen.
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