James Howard Kuntslers fears tattoo folks

   Troy York

Tattoos are a disgusting art form. That is for sure and the popularity of tattoos and downfall of pop culture coincide with one another. People are in constant needs of attention whether they ride big machines or have some fucker draw on their body. James Howard Kuntsler is always alarmed by this trend and often repeats in interviews and on his podcast how scary today's youth look. The prison and drunken sailor look has infiltrated all aspects of youth culture and he does have a point. They are more demonic and scary looking and it is no wonder many of them can't get a job with these tattoos outside the stable construction industry. In fact, I giggle how often Kuntsler mentions the tattoo freaks he sees hanging around the 7 11 and Wal Marts buying their liquor. He does see alot of them in the rural areas of upper New York I am sure and for someone of his generation it can be alarming. The man just wants to write about peak oil and the coming collapse of America. he doesn't want to worry about how these youths will exist in a world without easy jobs and the mad max implications it may hold for the future of this nation. This country is fucked and thanks to great writers like Kuntsler alot of people are starting to see this grand plan by the elites of the world. Those without the economic means will be stuck along with Kuntsler with the tattoo barbarians in the hinterlands of the decaying Western world.

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