Greg Hunter and USA watchdog just a gold pusher metal dealer

Troy York

Greg Hunter has a youtube podcast and has some interesting guests talking about financial and international matters. he is some investigative reporters who couldn't get a journalist job so he started this thing called USA watchdog. The dud is interesting to watch if you actually care about economic matters than what size Kim Kardashian is this month. however, I have noticed that his program seems to be an advertising outlet for gold. The guy pushes gold more than inner city gangs push dope.Greg really hates the money financial system and is trying to educate people about this country's debt problems and the printing money scam of the fed. half of his posts and guests seem to have gold as the priority of the topic of the day. However, just using another alternative of a worthless mineral is not any solution to the problems of government and civilization. Greg Hunter is worried about the coming bond collapse and how we are all screwed when it comes. People will be dumbfounded when they see their televisions off and jobs gone. many will go to their gold stash and sell their jewlery for an extra month or two of broadcast cable.

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