Joe Mathews and Mark Paul California Crack up talks Californians financial woes

  California Crack up is a book which  examines the causes why the state of California is in a state of emergency. There are many causes why California is screwed up and these guys look into the history of ballot initiatives and propositions that have given power to the minority party of California. They say these two parties make it impossible for alternative political parties to make any challenges. The something for nothing culture of California is another reason they point to why California's budget is always out of whack. California's and many white Americans want to drive their big SUVs but these morons can't seem to comprehend that in order to have these big roads that big taxes are necessary.Republican assholes want all the perks of an expensive infrastructure without the tax bills that need to be implemented. These authors offer several suggestions to how to improve the condition of California. The explosive growth of California has taken a toll on the state and Sacramento's ability to survive as a state. As Mathews and Paul point out this is a state that has gotten to big to fail and perhaps the best method of dealing with California is breaking it up into three or four smaller states. The mandates used by politicians to require supermajority votes has crippled the state. personally I think that the downfall of the golden state occurred when musclehead Schwarzenegger got his ass elected as leader from Hollywood lusting zombie voters. I wish they had talked more about the incompetent leadership from the top more in their book.

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