Richard Murdoch gets a myspace screwjob


This old media monster wanted to get a piece of the Internet action. So a few years ago this filthy rich scum buys Myspace for a 500 million dollar deal. He gambled and thought he had another media bargain buying this site right before facebook got hot. As we all know now facebook smoked this social networking rival in the years since this fool paid all this money for this dumb site in 2005. why did he do it. Maybe he is just an egotistical idiot. Maybe he wanted to build a rival to the long established and dominate MTV force in the music business for young people and their dumb music money they listen to and spend their money. Tech crunch the tech website as of 2008 thought that this deal was one of Rupert Murdoch's best deal. Wrong. This goes to show you that some of these tech blogs blow logs. Myspace has been revamped several times and is losing out to many other media sites and will continue to be irrelevant in years to come. I love to see a rich old fool lose out on a gamble. Murdoch has been lucky in some past decisions, but this is one I bet he fully regrets. Richard Murdoch is a total rich fool who has made so many mistakes that should of made him bankrupt had he not been in the big media business. Sooner or later this old man will be dead and hopefully the media conglomerate that vast wealth has enabled him to hoard will be splintered and nailed shut too.

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