Gus talks the deer tick

  Gus Perkowski

How many people have heard of borreliosis? Well the common name is Lyme disease and if you are ever in the North woods and you see this thing on one of your thumbs...well your fucked. Having Lyme disease is similar to having cat scratch fever except you don't get it from a cat. The deer tick is the culprit of transmitting this disease to humans and it is usually hunters that get this as those jagoffs are always going to the woods to slaughter things. The deer tick is the only known transmitter of Lyme disease Like all species of ticks, deer ticks and their relatives require a blood meal to progress to each successive stage in their life cycles.

The life cycle of the deer tick comprises three growth stages: the larva, nymph and adult. In both the northeastern and mid-western U.S., where Lyme disease has become prevalent, it takes about two years for the tick to hatch from the egg, go through all three stages, reproduce, and then die. As long as they only infect the jagoff hunters they don't bother me. Only hunters are the dumb fucks that go deep into the habitat of the deer ticks. It is ironic that an insect named a deer can cause havoc to humans that cause havoc for peaceful deers.

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