The time Vince Mcmahon's wife lost a senate seat in 2011

Vince McMahon can't beleive his wife lost the senate seat

Vince McMahon was getting tired watching the television days before his old bags election. He got tired for political pundits and bloggers (like myself) taking pot shots at his wife for being involved in the Wrestling business. We took shots at this stupid bitch and arrogant wealthy family that thought they could by a major political seat that would of been the senate seat in Connecticut. Rich people like Mr McMahon were very worried the direction the political outlook was going against the upper one percent wealthy folks out there that own thirty percent of the wealth. With this in mind he felt his wife was just as deserving to serve in politics as Hillary Clinton and had the old bag run for senate in 2011. So from the West coast to the East Coast these fucks organized and tried to win as many Govoner seats and senate seats money could buy. Internet CEO's from California to fake wrestling moguls like this bastard spent millions to run. They lost and wasted their money as the common folk used what power we have against the powerful resources these people have amassed for themselves. These fucks will attempt to run again in a couple of years and we have to keep up the struggle to defeat this one percent class from gaining even more of the lions share wealth of America. Alas, after this defeat Vince would have his old bitch run for another high office real soon

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