Ellen Rakieten and Ann Coyle and their shallow book.

Ellen Rakieten was a producer of the Oprah Winfrey show. Ann Coyle and her wrote this disturbing book that shows the complete judgmental attitudes of shallow women like them. Women born with a skinny gene and frame and with looks usually share the judgemental feelings of these two shallow urban women. Typical wealthy women whose career whether it be media or designing was helped by the fact that others share opinions on others based on looks. These are nothing but scum sucking and conformist demanding wenches and their opinion doesn't really matter only to assholes and other shallow women like them. Their book undateable 311 things men do to guarantee that they won't be having sex shows how stupid these women are.They need to come out and say that their opinion only certain men are worth their time of day and night in bed. Women like them are always worryingg what other people do and think of them. lets look at these two. Do they think their figures will last forever? They wear silly shoes that make them taller than they actually are. These women worry and critisize men for basically being men and differen These are two women who were born with the right skin color and genes in this country and they will crtique people not up to their standards .Ellen Rakieten pants are so tight maybe she should wonder andf think people might think of their clothing choices and overt sexalization appeal What is with the extravagant necklaces and bracelets whores like these two always seem to display. Most men are better off than ever being with a couple of women like these two who would choose a guy by what kind of jeans they wear. Women like them wrote this book based on other urban chic women like themselves that judges a book on their cover in people and how they dress. Ann and Ellen obviously think they are better than most people on superficial looks and income and now this stupid book attempts to profit from these shallow misfits.These two need to look at a mirror and a cat scan MRI and see their own faults and ugliness. The views of this book and what they interpert is pretty ugly and it can be skin deep if they really beleive what they write in this awful book about men.

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