Where is the technology for meat packing plants

Jason Fool 

I was reading a book called "Diet for a dead Planet" and in it there was a chapter about the awful, brutal conditions in the meat packing plants across this nation. This country imports illegals from Mexico to do these very strenuous jobs that at least at one time were high paying union jobs. Chicago was the meat packing center of the country and it allowed many immigrants to survive and live a better life. Now days these pork producers pay as little as possible why pushing their human worker cattle to be fast and more efficient as possible. It makes me wonder where is the technology to replace these workers that you have seen in the automotive industry. Obviously the fact that these meat slaughter companies even pay such little wages to immigrants shows the cheapness and inability to invest in things. Technology needs to be developed in these slaughter houses to improve conditions and maybe actually get rid of these jobs that can only be filled by foreign peasants that show little ability to adapt to this nation. If there are good cases for calling for technology to replace workers I think this industry is the poster child for this necessary improvement for society. The rest of this book talks about the environmental destruction that big agricultural is polluting our streams and killing off wildlife. The biggest culprit is the use of pesticides to even have the ability to produce all this cheap processed food in the first place. The book also talks about the transformation especially starting in the fifties when small family farms got decimated all over = America and the consequences to this day of this ghastly change of the habitat people live. Many towns and regions have been depopulated as the nations wealth has moved to a few select cities. As far as technology goes without a doubt you should be able to automate the slicing of animal carcuses and not have these modern day slave jobs where you throw desperate people  in dangerous conditions to toil and help America become obese.

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