Patrick Buchanan and his other paranoid book

  Patrick Buchanan's books are the ramblings of a madman and I enjoy his fear and loathe to how things are going against his wishes. The latest book I finished from this creep is "Death of the West". its more of Patrick's obsessions with the falling fertility rate of Western women and how America is waging a war against Catholics and so forth. Mr Buchanan talks about powers of nations and the importance of a strong population for Europe and this is clearly a guy who longs for the days of Dutch monopolistic rule in places like the spice islands of Indonesia. You see that is really where European wealth came from the barrel of a gun and had places like Indonesia been left alone to pursue their own economic

agenda. The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization  Patrick is disturbed by folks in education who are teaching the children some of the many wrongs with Western Civilization and he is also scared of the coming mass migrations that threaten Russia and Western European countries and totally transforming them as the world has known them. No where does Patrick talk about why the white population was such a higher percentage in the past which was usually caused by their brutal occupation and enslavement, and economic domination of many peoples that did not look like them. As far as the paganism that is making a comeback perhaps Pat forgot how they were well established before his pope worshipping religion that set rigid hierarchies and allowed clergy to live in a life of luxury why the serfs and peasants suffered like they were in Catholic countries.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