Shock Doctrine is the name of the book by claimed author Naomi Klein and in it she explains the procedure the United States and its money sglobal system uses to shock societies in an attemt to change them. The economic plan America has basically is as a colonial overlord just without the actual declaration of the territory as a colony. Anyone who actually believes the United States was not a colonial power of equal brutality and determination as a France or Great Britain is clearly thick skulled and blind. They refuse to acknowledge the numerous invasions and shock therapy with blood on its hands. Ms Klein's book attempts to show recent shock and all strategies the United States as used to undermine real democracy across the globe. The comparison and similarities of Chile in 1973 to Iran in 1953 to Iraq fifty years later is shocking. basically free-market zombies helped convince the Nixon administration to support and do a coup ousting the democratically elected leader Allande in Chile and install a total big business American puppet of August Pinochet. The dictator killed many slashing spending and opening up all aspects of Chile to privatization. This country desperately wanted to destroy international socialism and spread the Milton Friedman Chicago School of economic plan that basically puts control of everything into a small class of private owners whose wealth is increased taking things away from the public sector. This plan is totally disastrous for anyone who has not already amassed more wealth than they need.
Naomi brings up so many crisis brought up by current colonial masters of the IMF and World Bank and how they help spread fear and economic crisis in parts of the world so they can get their hands on more ownership of foreign assets and keep labor cheap. The Asian crisis of the late nineties is a typical example. The "Shock Doctrine" book goes through sudden changes in Russia,Bolivia,and Poland and how the peoples determination to control their own destiny and end brutal repression witnessed a new lord in the IMF/World Bank that made new unreasonable economic demands if these new democracies. The major economic demand they make to these nations is total privatization of industries so they can set up a elite class to control the new nations and governments. The loans given to these nations are then used as leverage to make demands on a people who thought they had won the battle for new freedom and sovereignty

he Shock doctrine also was established inside this coutry as Cheney and Rumsfeld decided o run the military as an interstate corporation to further benefit the private business elites that profitted so much from war and weapons manufacturing. The cuts to federal emergency planning and lack of plan to deal with New Orleans after major flooding is what we can expect when these types of business effecient planned masters gain control of government. leaders in this country have often equated social equality with Stalinism because the wealthy class running the West fear this more than the authortarian communism they bring up from decades ago. As always the authortrian communism was set up as a reaction against the corrupt capitalist system that in many cases American shock-tye colonialsm helped set up. A couple of other chapters in this wonderful book looks at the Israel security complex and how peace will no longer be achieved as this illegal state as established its existence not as a Jewsih sate but a security surveillance state for privatization worldwide capitalsim. One can only look at Tel aviv and then look over the fence to Gaza and see what type of bubble world these people want to create all over the world. This is a picture they want to paint all over the place from Singapore to New Orleans and they will treat anyone without a mass fortune as an aborrigine. However as her final chapter shows things are turning against them and leadrs are being elected all over the world standing up against this form of arrogant dominance and clearly the late Hugo Chavez was the beginning of Washington and their privatization allies facing resistence. Their plan to totally shock and destroy Iraq and make it into their form of free-market capitalist country also faced humuliation and resistence. Leaders all over Latin America have resistedthis new atempt ofbrutal financial control from the North and eventually the people i the Middle East will follow up and make their own leaders responde more to the people and not the oil interests of the free-market private classes of the West.