Conservatives Jimmy Z and Matt Lewis alarmed by gay football players

Guy Baldwin
    Matt Lewis on his DMZ show with Bill Scher was taking some ribbing as a sports fan and who had some very conservative thoughts about the coming out of future NFL star Michael Sam.
Michael Sam MizzouThe linebacker from Missouri America out as a homosexual and guys like Lewis are not accustomed to the political arena coming to their beloved sports. Lewis talks alot on sports on his political podcast and various Internet outlets and to see a gay cultural issue hitting sports hits guys like Matt Lewis. Secretly they do not want a gay presence to a locker room of athletes they worship. Then it hit me to why there was such heterosexual male fight against gays in the military and on the football field. Heterosexual guys will have to adapt and have a hard time player worshipping gay athletes. This is why the resistance has remained so strong in sports and the military areas of our culture. The acceptance of Michael Sam will open up more venues and make gay kids think that sports can be an optional part of their youth. Family reunions of gay military couples will be seen more through the media as we see heterosexual military couples at sporting events and elsewhere. You could tell Lewis was having some difficulty coming to terms with his bloggingheads TV show with Bill Scherrer.

As far as that scumbag Jimmy Z goes he seemed more focus as to what enters the rectum of Mr Sam more than the importance of having an NFL player coming out of the closet. Jimmy Z is the biggest homophobic asshole out there that e more gays get open acceptance the more twisted right wing podcasters of little significance get knowing all they believe is bullshit and just agreed with fellow assholes. The number of times this dick said things about Michael Sam enjoying anal sex shows how little this guy has legit arguments on nothing gay and why Christians like him need to be dismissed with any relevancy in Americas cultural debates.