Max Keiser discusses Scotland independence from London banks

Tony Miselli

  Scotland really never should of been a part of Great Britain. centuries before the European Union was thought up the combination of royal crowns to benefit London was conceived and Great Britain has last for a long time. The Scottish people will be deciding on an ultimatum to leave this empire that has benefited the English elites and done little to improve the conditions of people in the outer lands far from London. Max Keiser is a gold pusher on the Internet and he is all over the web and youtube with shit about the financial scam that is money lending. Mr Keiser had a woman named Stacy Herbert and they discussed the move for Scottish independence and how the move makes economic sense for more self-control for these lands and peoples with a strong independent spirit. The Royal Bank of Scotland though refuses to be any part of an independent Scotland nation and basically said they would take all assets to London. There is a reason why places like London and Shanghai are financial centers and that basically is funneling all the wealth of the nation to one area and one small group of people. Keiser looks like a little leprechaun but he knows his shit and what London has become in this day in age for people in the North Seas. London serves the wealthy foreign clients at the expense of the Scottish and English people in the hinterlands. We may see a day where England should vote to be independent of the London colonizers and banks.
     The Anglo world's inequality is shameful and treasonous for people who are too brainwashed and brain dead thanks to television to fully comprehend again why all the wealth is in one city.  Had Scotland or England had a sovereign wealth fund like Norway had for its oil reserves many more would share in the wealth of the nations oil reserves and wealth. The average Norwegian is a millionaire because of the wise choices of Norwegian leaders to start a fund for its citizens. there is a lot of oil in the seas outside Scotland and the Scottish people would benefit from independence and a country that accomplished similar economic models that Norway has invested in its people and resources. Scotland will vote for independence and be free to pursue their economic fortunes instead of being a place for international folks to set up shop and live avoiding taxes in their repressive Islamic homelands. This is basically what London has become and I am sure after this vote Scotland can be free of London and the Royal bank of Scotland. A bank that really should be called the Royal bank of London.

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