Rundown Live hosts Mike Paczseny and Kristan Harris suck ass

Troy York

   There are a couple of dudes that run an awful libertarian podcast based out of nearby Milwaukee. These dudes are so ugly and in fact their guests often joke about what scumbags these guys look like
These guys are on almost every day of the week and are always talking nonsense about TSA workers molesting people and the growth of big brother and government. These guys forgot about 9\11 and the need for more intensive screening of passengers on the main target for international terrorists. These losers from Milwaukee who have never been to a world class city with big skyscrapers are delusional if they think governments are not going to go to all lengths to protect these towers. Kristan Harris and Mike Pazcnesey are total dipshits that are not aware of the real issues and problems of energy this world faces. Fuckheads like them keep talking about UN Agenda 21 and how their energy consuming outback big home lifestyle is not really sustainable. people are going to have o more to smaller living arrangements and starting wars to keep their libertarian big consumerism lifestyle going is not feasible. These guys are complete libertarian jagoffs think they have all the answers smoking dope and talking in front of a camera thinking they are influential. I checked out their twitter profile and these pricks are followed by like 145 people. Pazcesny and Kristan Harris are nobodies and the only reason I have them on my podcast list is listening to these fuckheads talk about government's overreach and loss of liberty is amusing. Libertarians love to throw that liberty word and really hate the government from allowing them to do and pollute they country the way they see fit. people like these two clowns and more wealthier intellect libertarians really hate the government because they represent us and look out for us from the abuses of those who would make tremendous profits from their inherited and acquired capital to exploit the land and its people. Fuck Pazceseny and Kristan Harris.

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