Thomas Hartmann is a great media fighter for the people and has written several books exposing the undeclared war against the Middle Class from the greedy class. This class has gotten more involved in politics to sway elected officials to programs and cuts that ultimately benefit them and their abilities to accumulate the nations wealth. His book "Screwed" pretty much tells the reader how Middle America is being screwed over by America's wealthy class and how they are now being joined by international wealthy classes as well. The goal of the neo-cons to making government smaller is basically a land grab for everything this nation has to offer its citizens and not just those citizens and foreigners with immense stolen wealth.
Hartmann states how outsourcing enabled the rich the get richer while simultaneously wrecking financial havoc of workers and those most against the elites in their ability to rule without competition. The rich have used government to set up a corporatacracy where competition doesn't exist and government is weakened to their destructive barriers towards growth. Hartman brings up the new robber baron era and how that louse Ronald Reagan basically rolled back all of the FDR progressive programs that produced a strong middle class while America was brain dead watching Dallas and Dynasty on television. Corporations are heavier users of taxpayer-provided services yet they continue to demand lower rates and threaten to move their jobs and business to lower tax rates unless they are given special treatment by the government they corrupt. goes through many court battles that I found interesting and how the corportacracy uses influence and power in the court system too to continue their profits of the people agenda. The fact that we imprison so many to ruined lives for minor crimes while profiting a small class that makes their income from this injustice is mentioned by the great Hartmann. One can go to any suburb and find a large home owned by a lawyer and trace back the mans income from governments ability to make certain laws that only affect low-income folks. This blood money had helped prop up other industries of sprawl and large homes being built from builders and others in the construction business. There is no other leading figure taking on the right wing business elites and their demands for government to sololly to serve their purposes than Thomas Hartmann and his book Screwed is among the best out there with the true story on how the rich are using their money to destablaize democracy for everyone.
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