Will Cecil Brewster get a Real Doll

Cecil Brewster is a guy who has had trouble getting ladies and a typical person whom real Dolls would be perfect. These are the amazing lifelike Sex dolls with three holes that are made of pure silicon. The same things most attractive skinny women have instead of their small tits. These dolls are amazing and can be made and move in all sorts of directions in the bedroom. Like I said dudes like Cecil Brewster are in definitely need of this product and only the expense for now prevents most of these guys from having their dream women that will never say no to a guy like Cecil. We often leave brochures on his desk this time of year around Valentines day just to see if he really wold consider saving six grand to grab one. Cecil Brewster I am sure old Cecil is saving up a hundred a week to get one of the new models fresh off the factory floor in California. They are manufactured to precise detail often looking better than the real slob bitches you see at Wal-Marts or Save Marts of the world. it takes an incredible and take eight labor hours to construct a pussy often being fucked and taste tested by the happy salve waged assholes in this  factory and marksmanship and detail provides a steady hand to construct a nice model with a nice ass. One that guys like Cecil can grab and squeeze to get an idea what a real nice young ass feels to grab. http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/e/e7/9ca_realdoll.jpgThese dolls let dudes like Mr Brewster release some frustration and hopefully more of these dolls get constructed and helps the job situation in California and other states across America bringing nightly love to guys who can't seem to find the real thing. real Dolls is the valentines day alternative.[IMG]

1 comment:

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