Greg Hunter paranoid about World War III again.

Alex Mousoloulpolous

Greg Hunter once again thinks World War III is here. As host of some YouTube channel that nobody watches Greg often talks about how the dollar is going to be worthless and how people need to be buying gold, silver, and bitcoins to survive the upcoming years. He is often a big advocate of of these people talking about the evils of only printing and many appear on is channel. Every international incident will lead to a messy war and this guy has predicted a major war dozens of time in the past year. He holds up news papers to his video screens like they are proof to anything he says and somehow his predictions are coming true. Greg Hunter is a pretty weird entertaining dude and I really don't low what the point of is show is aside from trying to lead more people into gold and silver.
 This Russian crisis in the Crimea has him really perplexed and if anything this will just be another Crimean war instead of a World War. American people are not going to let their government risk a nuclear engagement because some Ukraine's want closer ties to France. We are not even going to come to Latvia's defense if the Russians ever decide this little outcry is worth their time and energy adding to their frontiers. The fear that Greg Hunter is trying to put up on the financial system in his hope of investors putting their money into rocks is pretty dumb. Unfortunately,  money will not be replaced anytime soon and he needs to invest more of his time into telling us why these rich people want us to battle other powers for the limited resources that are consuming addicted lifestyles refuse to lower dramatically. Ukrainians are not going to fight the Russians yet alone the cash strapped Americans and the best thing to do is what we did in Afghanistan. Aiding terrorists is not the best principle but if it weakens a territorial expanding country then what we can describe a terrorist is actually the freedom fighter that many of the mujaheddin were in fact when we helped them fight the Russians many moons ago.

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