Michael Goodwin has out this book about how the economy works and doesn't work an it is excellently illustrated by Dan Burr. This is a comic book and tries to bring the importance of a socialist perspective in looking at basically everything about the economy and the history of the United States in reference to all things economical. this is really a fun interesting book especially if you share the twin studies of economics and comics.
Goodwin really gets it down on the problems with banks and the interests of large corporations. this book is detailed with the numerous battles with labor and the various presidents policies that effected the workers and lead to rise of big industry around the globe. Goodwin really nails it down withthe industrial age and basically the light and struggles of the farmers who were thus forced to be cheap labor workers and unable to attend to their own basic needs for survival. That basically has been the plot and war waged against people from big industry and gaining control of food is what lead to tyrants and genocides in the past as his part on Joseph Stalin is brilliantly illustrated. The exposure to kids and young people through this book about the inefficiencies and destructive capablilities of modern day capitalism will hopefully be gained by many young eyes and this is the reason I believe Goodwin created this book in comic style.I also agree with his evaluation of the role of television in spreading the corporate consumerism culture and the inability of the average citizen to pay attention to politics like they use to. This perhaps has dome more to making this country a corporate police state that anything else and until were able to pull the plug off these broadcasts we will never end the damage that has been inflicted to all levels of this country's infrastructure and foundations.
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