Mike Ditka a spokemen for A'ls beef and Nancy's pizza

Arturo Armando
   Corporate restaurants have spent much money fighting the raising of the minimum wage over the past few years and one of the reasons is they spend on other idiotic things instead of a living wage for the people working at their restaurants. news comes out that Mike Ditka will be the spoke person for Al's Beef and Nancy's pizza in the Chicago area and what exactly Mike Ditka has to do with food I really don't know. What I do know is this is just another example of waste and mismanagement from restaurant chains who go out of their way to spend on people like Ditka instead of other priorities. Why this lamebrain coach that only has one championship from a overstocked team has had such a busy career as spokeperson for everything from jewelry to food to viagra is a testimoney of his popularity with executives and decsion makers at the top level. people who care very little for others at the losest level and make the stupid decisions to financially reward lunitic goons like Mike Ditka instead of the people on ground level working and making the chain survive and grow through expansions and hard work. Mike Ditka getting any endorsement deals especially this day and age so far away when he last coached is another example of a corporate decision that is a brutal injustice and slap in the face to works in the food industry. I really can't wait until the day of this greedy fucks obitury is in the paper.

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