Marilu Henner shuns milk and talks poop in book called "Total Health Makeover" written some years back. Marilu Henner answers the question why she has more energy and looks better trow than in her television show in the seventies. She has researched health up to this printing for nineteen years and is one of the best of the many authors on women's and health in general for all species. Actually maybe Suzanne Sommers is better and in reality they are the only two Authors on health I have read because of their television era fame. Anyway milk is not good for you and will make your face fat. I do believe 
this seeing the round ugly faces of coworkers who chug on Chocolate milk in the fucking lunchroom like its a cool colors off the tap on a sweltering July day. Marilu talks about the balance in everything in nature and how we need to take this into account especially in the foods we take in. I don't take much for her books but this one is pretty good with a bunch of hot pictures of her over the years Nd when comparing her to the average middle aged American female she must know something to what she is talking about unhealthy foods. 
The average American takes in 240 pounds of meat,126 pounds of sugar,and less than ten pounds of whole grains. That is fucken pathetic and no wonder French women rule when what they intake is the complete opposite. Marilu writes about the importance of chewing and nothing is sexier than the thought of her chewing on food. The importance balance of the right amount of protein,carbohydrates, and fat is necessary to having a great, slim energized body that can handle all the rigorous routines of everyday living. As in past books she talks about the dangers of chemicals,Additives, and preservatives in one chapter but perhaps her most entertaining chapter in this health book is the one on feces. Her chapter called "What's The Poop", covers everything you wold want to know about the processor having a bowel movement. She talks about what's loo for in examining your shit and to recognize the signs of bad and constant gas as N indication something is wrong with your ass. This is a great book on mostly women's health and is surprisingly more entertaining and informative than I ever thought starting this gag of book reviews on these two great looking old TV stars. I may have to check out some other well known women health writers in the future
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