Ike Charles Libson had their nose so far up the ass of Ronald Reagan that they salivated in their own obsessions and opinions of a easy defeat for Barack Obama. Milt still has a little podcast that he can only wake up and manage maybe a show a week but the damage the right wing think tanks has done on this mans image has been immeasurable.
The sellout of Milt Rosenburg
Dr Milten Rosenburg is a very old retired professor from the University of Chicago and as once a liberal. Somewhere along the line he became an extreme conservative and the pendulum swing was very apparent on his corporate radio. Show he hosted for like some thirty years on WGN radio. Perhaps he felt he should be more like his name sake Milton Friedman or something but Milt's last days on WgN radio were a pretty dismal attempt to defeat Barack Obama. In the race to prevent fellow University of Chicago teacher or professor from winning a second term, old Milt came out with all the heavy hitters through his political connections he has established over the years is a deliberate attempt to smear and defeat Barack Obama.
The bias of Milt's programs were even too much for WGN and eventually this old geezard and was booted off the air. The general manager came in one day and asked Milt Rosenburg to hand in his microphone and gave him a glass plaque for his years of service. Actually Milt should of been given a car from neo-conservatives and the Sheldon Adelson's of the Jewish international lobby for all his years of speaking on the airwaves to their ruinous causes. This came up me to thinking to why Milt even made the transition from liberal campus professor to extreme right wing conservative preacher. Ow while Milt was nothing like the trash of a Rush Limbaugh,Michael Savage,Mark Levin, or other hair brains on the national radio spectrum Milt still spoke of a moral and economic crusade that was right up their alley. The right wing move of this eloquent and entertaining radio out with an A list of guests and word vocabulary has to be one of the tragic wonders and sell outs in radio history. He had guest after guest saying how Obama didn't have a chance,ruined the economy, and was basically the most inefficient and dangerous leader in our lifetime. Milt and his other fuss
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