Jim Rickards was on Greg Hunters little viewed YouTube channel that has been championing gold and the dollars collapse for years. Jim Rickards was pushing a new book of his and talking the usual bullshit how we need more gold to back up our credit. This is a guy who wants people with good government jobs in Europe to work harder and have their country's opened up to foreign investment and freedom who will hire less and work the sorry bastards that are lucky enough to remain. It is bald assholes like Rickards that are pushing more of an global investment market where foreigners will tons of money can run things in other countries. How this "investment" is not modern day colonialism I will never know and the manipulation of these investors in the governmental affairs of other countries is both arrogant and immoral. Rickards is enthusiast about Indians new pro business leadership that will ban the import tax so wealthy Indians can have more outrageous jewelry while peasants have less food and land to cultivate and be independent.
Jim Rickards is a cocky investor banker/financial writer whose writings show the lunacy and wealth transfer and currency destruction some of these advocates like Rickards hope will occur. Men like Rickards are all for a central currency such as the Wuro so people in individual countries have les control to be able to print their way to a better economy and lifestyle for their citizens struggling with their daily life. The stock manipulates and mineral pushers like these two goofy bastards Hunter and Rickards actually want a large peasant cheap labor class that has benefited rich people from the conceivement of empires and states. There are no differences between gold and the dollar except for the fact that beg able to print money brings independence to nations and this is something banking bullshit experts like Jim Rickards doesn't like to see. He only wants wealthy people who can gold hoard to be able to retain all the wealth and capital in all the different nation's economy.

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