Kenosha is a city that has preserved their neighborhood bars and this is what makes this far suburb of both Milwaukee and Chicago a unique bar experience. I highly recommend people nearby to visit this city and see how a place gets it right and is cool for having so many bars all around their city. Most cities around urban areas would never allow so many bars on actual side streets in this day and age is incredible as these people don't have the same fucking hang ups and fears others would have in suburbia America. It seems the smaller towns in America are more welcoming to the fact that accepting drinking establishments around their town s not the most evil things a community can have. 
Lasalle and Peru, Illinois are another couple of non-collegiate towns that have many bars s attired all over their town from main streets to side streets. The old white heads that created and moved to the suburbs years ago went about destructing the liquor tavern as one of their first townhall decisions. These old bastards didn't want a place for locals to drink or have a place to express their opi
nions and feelings about local matters and indeed this mentality exists to this day as unless a place is more of a restaurant you will never be able to open up a new place with a liquor licensee in the vast majority of the living Arrangements most Americans find themselves stuck . They deliberately set this up as no alternative to social settings outside the church and family in suburbia America and the trend of young moving away from these fucks into major hip cities is the direst result. I see it everyday with the Itasca Inn where I bartend as the vast majority of fucks who come here are coming for the three guys pizzeria and few local young people make my bar a regular hangout. Most take the local train to Chicago and enjoy neighborhoods free from the church assholes and family kid folks that is unfortunately too all common of a feature in the nations suburbs. The destruction of the local tavern was a major part of this temperance plan for the burbs.
Lasalle and Peru, Illinois are another couple of non-collegiate towns that have many bars s attired all over their town from main streets to side streets. The old white heads that created and moved to the suburbs years ago went about destructing the liquor tavern as one of their first townhall decisions. These old bastards didn't want a place for locals to drink or have a place to express their opi

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