Steve Huntley wrote an article I believe for Tribune services the other day and I think his column gets around nationally. The guy says the wealthy have a rig to back their causes in politics and there is nothing wrong with money in politics. Is sorry writer for the upper class writes that money is an indispensable agent of political speech and statewide political organizations are expensive to staff. Media costs are crucial and costly according to this pinhead from the media. If you take away the role of money in politics Huntley says you take away their right to organize and have a voice.
This fuckhead doesn't get the point and basically the pint is what about the rest of us who don't have hoards of money and leftover sums to donate after paying taxes, food, utilities, mortgages , etc. This fucking wuss only wants one group to be ale to be elected leaders and we see that when we look at a congress today that is made up mainly of people with money and ability to raise money from other people with too much money. This new constitutional amendment proposed by Senator Tom Udall to regulate the raising and spending of money in respect to elections worries conservative assholes like Steve Huntley because it would give other classes and political parties more of a chance to get their message out and appeal to more potential voters and this cold disrupt the status quo we are currently witnessing in politics. Money is an indispensable agent of political speech and that is not meant for only those with money to only have a voice and clout with our political leaders. Obviously reading this geek o can see where people with money are putting it in the ailing news media.
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