Africans are a brutal people with little tolerance and this is often seen and reflected in the leaders of these pathetic countries. Gambian president Yahya Jemmeh is another fine outstanding leader who has called homosexuals vermin and the other day threatened to personally kill any African that seeks as slum in the West from Gambia and criticizes this dickheads regime.
One has to wonder why so many African leaders and people are so barbaric on attitudes on those who are different and clearly in this case on hatred for homosexuality one culprit can be found. Christian missionaries have been penetrating and promoting their own values of hate in this ugly dark region for years and surely homosexuality lifestyle of the West is on top of their list.the Gambia is a Muslim country though and they have seen the trends going against radical Christianity throughout the world and in Africa. The Gambia is a little worthless sliver of land and is really nothing on the worlds stage and make n mistake any people living under a crazy leader like this should be eligible for asylum. I imagine Gambia has other problems for this Yahya Jammeh to solve instead of further persecuting those lucky enough to escape the shithole of this mans rule in Gambia. What is a tally happening is the encroachment of Western values for dignity and culture are coming to the remote places in the world left where assholes like Mr Jammeh can ever rule and they do not know how to handle this change of attitude and coming cultural change that will affect even their remote dark jungles. This African leader is just another piece of shit

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