Tom Woods is a libertarian piece of shit. He has written several propaganda books about how all the worlds problems is caused by government and not private industry. This is a free-market fuck who will blame the US government for the economy tanking in 2008 and not the obvious deregulated business leaders that most intelligent economists an unbiased reporters actually claim. Men like Mr Woods is supported and allowed to write for the business class trying to skew n formation for then agenda of the business class that wants absolutely no government regulation towards any of their actions that affect our society.
Mr Woods has a lot of shit to say about bail outs for private institutions that have gotten to big to bail out but this pinhead refuses to see that these companies got monopolistic through libertarian thoughts and actions. Nationalizing the banks would of been a simple answer to destroy the banking mess that advocates for the free market helped cause and once again morons like Tom Woods blames government for the failure to stop the free-market process of big banks buying up small community banks. Bailouts were needed to prevent the country from falling into an economic disaster that free market institutions help cause by their reckless actions to destroy competition and suppress innovation. People like Tom Woods would all be for people starving and letting the top survive an economic fall and allowing the poor to die and not a dime spent to them unless they beg and convert to private (Christian) charities.
People like Tom Woods are scum of the world and scum of America and his book " Meltdown" is another book where nuts claim government is evil and the free-market is the solution and all great. Woods thinks all bust periods is caused by government and their ability to manipulate money in society and that we need to go to a gold standard so only rich people can own wealth through gold and no aid is created by governments whose responsibilities for all citizens is obviously something like Woods scorns in his pathetic life. The lack of competition is the result of a free-market force and if people like Tom Woods are telling you prices will fall he is lying right to your face as the monopolistic survivors collude to keep prices high and also unite to fight regulation. Woods writes a chapter saying that Hoover and his government intervention caused the Great Depression which is a complete fallacy and another example of this authors misrepresenting American history. This is something he has done enough in past books written by tis nimrod. Towards the end of the book Tom bashes the federal reserve and demands a gold standard as this method perpetuates that only really wealthy owners f capital can own and extract new gold throughout the world. Supporting the ultra wealthy and the owners of capital is definitely the only thing this author named Tom Woods seems to be able to articulate.
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