Video gaming cares that cater to women over thirty five are popping up in the eye sore environment we call the suburban landscape. Not since the days of video game arcades has the suburbs seen such an increase in gaming places and this is not surprising as we enter more into the casino capitalism of this economy. With unique feminine names like Betty's, Stella's, Penny's, Emma 's and others are appearing all over the Chicago area and helping women wager their paycheck and morgatage payments in an easier, relaxed environment conducive for women. One place called Lucy's place is owned by Springfield lobbyists who plan on opening eighty more places for people to wager their money and drink their coffee. Women don't have to worry about going to some sleazy bar gamble their money and be hit on by men when they now have these sleazy cafes.
The future of these mini casino cafes is auspicious as they have been allowed by our rotten corrupt village leaders who promote these predator businesses to fill up empty storefronts in strip malls. Opening up more of the public space to gambling is just a bad idea and people need to organize as much as these pro video gaming cafe folks and fight back against this new form of organized crime. It will only be a matter of time these folks bring video gaming into all the Walgreens and Wal Marts in the country and fools will lose their shopping money as they try to go and consume their shopping habits at Wal Mart. I have seen this before and it was called video arcades and games that were placed in every Kmart and Ventures in the United States in the early eighties. The difference is that kids would just lose a few quarters from their parents in a Perkins restaurant but now aunts will lose all their cigarette and makeup money thanks to these numerous gaming cafes that will be brought to a crappy suburban strip mall near you.
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