ISIS created for an external and internal threat to America

Arnold Buckley

   The continuing war drums for a third Iraq war, unbelievable as it sounds, and these attacks are leading international talks to get involved in another internal Mideast  conflict. The rise of ISIS a cleverly a Western invention to get access and have an excuse to occupy these lands perhaps establishing a Kurdish base/independence. There could be a variety of forces along with the West such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia that could also be funding these groups to be an internal army that they know the suckers in America's South will fight.isis Saudi princes have a lot to gain in exporting their angry factions to fight elsewhere instead of within their oil oligarchy. Iran wants to get involved more in Iraq as well and would be enthusiastic to avenge a Sunni army that is massacring their fellow co-religious Shiite population in what was basically Persian lands through much of history. The biggest culprit though has to be the Americans for forming this jihadist group just to have a perceived threat to American interests (imperialism) that basically consist of us flowing oil out of Iraq so we can drive on interstates all day with big trucks and SUV wagons that get 14 miles per gallon. The growth and existence of this group ISIS is both funded and created by USAS to keep track of radical Muslims and confuse them which is really the legit terrorist group.
 You cannot tell me that we can airstrike the hell and destroy a million man Iraqi army under Saddam Hussein yet these ghoulish masked men dressed as ninjas can parade all around in the desert with nothing to fear from the skies. This is a sick twisted plan to creat their own Taliban that eventually they will liquidate for a new generation to takes its roster as if it were some sort of sick game these ruling classes around the world play with  public opinion. These Islamic black cladded Ku Klux Klan type actions and group are not part of Islam and likely created by the same forces that created the Ku Klux Klan many generations ago under the disguise of religion to spread terror and their own type of supremacy and power structure to control people and resources.

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