Steve Harvey is some lame unfunny comedian that has a television show and gives his opinions on matters like relationships. This man thinks of himself as some expert on a wide range of issues and he usually exposes what a moron he is and its good to see David Pakman bring this out to his listeners. Steve Harvey said that if women run into a man that is atheist they should run from that relationship and clearly this method is what was used in the past and could explain why we still have the scourge of religion still around this day in age. Steve Harvey is a very lugubrious man and undoubtedly religion has a role in making him judge others because of their beliefs that differ from this son of a bitch no it all. Conformity and fear is why religion exists in the year 2014 and in Steve Harvey's case stupidity is another reason as people are stupid enough to listen to idiots like him calling non-believers idiots. The man offers no proof for the existence of God and why women should judge men as characters for their questioning of anything that is not apparent.
Steve Harvey is an awful television host and God awful expert on relationships and how any woman would take this mans advice is anyone's guess. Steve Harvey complains that atheists have no proof that God exists and that there has to be a creator with all these gases and rock formations. Harvey is a dude that you know has read little topics on Physics and chemistry. The only thing he knows is repeating the shit he was forced to listen to as a kid growing up in a crazy ass black Baptist church instead of a science college classroom. I was really surprised to hear what a misogynist and religious bigot Steve Harvey is as a human being and his role on television and giving bad advice should be questioned by the networks as word spreads of what an idiot Steve Harvey is and that he is using his lame program for a religious seminar. The only program that a guy like Steve Harvey should be on is a Sunday morning Christian programming where he can quack to the other dumb ducks of his flock. There is the place for bad relationship advice that a dude loser like Steve Harvey should speak. Good to see David Pakman and others out on the internet expose what a loud, bald jerk Steve Harvey is as there are many people who never really pay attention to what ass face like him say when surfing the cable channels
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