Tom Dart who is Cook county sheriff in the Chicago area lead a national campaign during Super Owl week to clamp down on prostitution around the nation. He specifically targeted Backpage and Craig list users and men who happen to use their discretionary income to purchase sex on the free-market. No one else except for Tom Dart in law enforcement seems to give a shit what men do in a consensual exchange with women who can command a price tag for their sexual services. This is apparently Tom Farts crusade and why this pinhead would lead a national wide effort to arrest johns is beyond any comprehension of examination.
Are there not other more serious crimes with gangs shooting each other all over the West and South sides of Chicago. Do not Milwaukee,South Bend,Rockford, and Indianapolis among other Midwest cities have more problems with becoming mini-Chicago's than worry about prostitution and going after men who have wants that are not met at home or with a companion. Tom dart along with Illinois shithead senator Mark Kirk want to make a national bill holding liable for what their users post and their obsessions with this site and trying to manhandle it the way they helped bring down Craig lists adult services ads is pretty pathetic. You are never going to stamp out prostitution and it is the longest running illegal activity through the ages. Jackasses like Dart and Kirk are insecure about their relationships worrying about using these services they want to curtail the liberties and freedom of other men and make it a crime for these mutual exchanges between consenting adults. If anything there needs to be nationwide efforts to legalize prostitution all over the country as there is a move with marijuana use as it really is to the business f idiots like Tom Dart or jerk Kirk what the fuck men do with their free time and money. I have a message for Tom Dart. No matter what you do you are never going to curb prostitution or make it come to an end.
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